How To Get an Orgonite Care Package Directly From Us!



How to Obtain a Molten Mama Orgonite directly from the Big Island of Hawaii:

Because we are NOT a store, we are happy to share these one-of-a-kind pieces in an informal exchange of mutual appreciation utilizing our Paypal donations link in the following manner: If you'd like an orgonite gift package sent your way, small ($100+), medium ($333+) or large ($777+) minimum donations are received here: Donations

Please make sure to include a note with your full snail mail address, phone #, email, anything you'd like us to know about where you are presently 'at' in terms of your own life journey, and the statement: "This is in appreciation of Mama Molten's orgonite site & I would love to receive a gift package!"

Upon receipt of the above, we'll send a confirmation email...and then a mindfully selected & prepared care package will be made up & sent to you with tracking #, generally within 1 week (s&h free within the U.S.A.)

You are welcome to mention if you would love a certain type of item (fish, pyramid, goddess, square, round, wish container, sea shell, etc.), & we may at times be able to accommodate such requests...but please know that precisely what orgonites are on hand at any given moment fluctuates. Therefore, what will be sent out will be what feels intuitively right from which items are available at the time.

Just FYI:
Info received regarding desired Care Packages via Donations Link daily.

Contact form submissions from this site checked very occasionally.
Personal email to Mama Molten here forwarded weekly.

What Will Come in the Mail:

Some orgonite items pictured are straightforward photographs with a human hand nearby for scale, while others have been artistically swirled into images of molten lava & oceanic landscapes...with the understanding that actual beaches, logs, volcanoes, sea creatures, blankets, etc. will not be accompanying any orgonite items shipped (other than in spirit!) ;) 

Certain organites reflect symmetry; others are asymmetrical by design, &/or have two or more pieces unconventionally connected, or some other "door-opening" aspect meant to encourage inner, astral, thought-pattern shift. 


Most pieces are rough-&-tumble ready for spiritual adventuring; hardy enough for home use as well as for mystics-on-the-go. However, all pieces should still be treated with care. They are sturdy, not indestructible; especially items that include external protrusions. Texture varies and sometimes includes sharp points or edges, please handle carefully.

Keep away from excessive heat & open flame. 

Mystical journeying with sacred objects of any size & shape are a collaboration between the human, the item, and The Universe. Results commensurate with a person's current level of spiritual skill.

Further details about & pix of the kinds of orgonite we make can be found here:

Here Comes Your Orgonite Care Package!
Small ($100+)
Medium ($333+)
Large ($777+)
minimum expressions of appreciation received here: Donations

Please make sure to include a note with your full snail mail address, phone #, email, anything you'd like us to know about where you are presently 'at' in terms of your life journey, and the statement: "This is in appreciation of Mama Molten's orgonite site, & I would love to receive a gift package!"